Experience the pure taste of excellence

Iso Policy

ZETA- THETA ISO:22000 :2018
Olive oil standardizing & packaging services

E5O : ZETA – THETA company policy
Version Nr 1st/11th/2021

Thessaloniki 11/11/2021

Following convergence at the facilities of the company under the name ZETA – THETA at 102 Giannitson St, after the request of Mr Georgalas Stavros, all parties came along to discuss the issue of enacting the company’s policy. According to policy making, himself and relative family members, are obliged to follow all agreed, so that goals on a level referring to third parties, such as clients, chandlers and service providers

Following the above, the company and all members of human potential is commited to enable full and sustaining support of SDAT maintaining not just its’ effective application, but its’ continuous amendment.

The above commitment will be accomplished through:

  • necessary logistic infrastructure
  • necessary training for food safety managing
  • and the adequate encouragement of stuff to participate through the SDP mechanisms, to achieve objective food safety goals according to present International Standards (ΙSO 22000:2018) in accordance to food safety, targeting the absolute satisfaction of the client.

The whole stuff has defined responsibility to indicate problems , as well as the competence to undertake and carry out corrective actions, if essential. Moreover total human potential through educational acts, is due to satisfy clients’ demands, as well as the company’s demands, following food safety management rules for raw material.

Finally, within the goal of continuous amendment, stuff requests internal inspections and random auditing, so that negligence or dangers are detected, aiming to their elimination or/and or decreasing at an upper grade.

Person in charge for ZETA – THETA policy

ZETA- THETA ISO:22000 :2018
Olive Oil Standardizing and Packaging Services

E50:Policy of the company (ZETA – THETA)
Version Nr 1st/11th/2021

Georgalas Stavros of Demetrios